The Titanic Fox News Finally Hits The Trump Iceberg! by Emerald Robinson for Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way
The Murdochs can’t sink Donald Trump but they can certainly sink their media empire
Rupert Murdoch, the ancient Australian media mogul, recently took time off from dumping his fourth wife — by email no less! — to sternly warn the American public that his media empire would not support another run for president by Donald Trump.
A News Corp source leaked Murdoch’s position to other media outlets with great fanfare: “We have been clear with Donald. There have been conversations. Rupert made it clear to Donald we cannot back another run for the White House.”
To hammer home the point, the New York Post — owned by Murdoch of course — ran with a cover depicting Trump as Humpty Dumpty.

Meanwhile, another Murdoch media property — the Wall Street Journal — ran six op-eds targeting Trump on the same day.

The problem for the 91 year-old Murdoch is that, outside the halls of News Corp, most Americans were unaware that he was still alive and eating solid food. He still fancies himself to be the dominant force in conservative media, but is that really true? It’s not the 1980s anymore. The credibility of Fox News was fatally damaged by its early Arizona call for Biden in the 2020 election — damage which Murdoch has apparently acknowledged. Some of Murdoch’s kids are Clinton staff-level shitlibs pretending to be “disinformation commissars” at the Aspen Institute. The elder Murdoch chose Tony Blair as the godfather to one of his own kids by an alleged Chinese communist spy— and what makes that absurd decision even more embarrassing is that Tony Blair was doing the business with Murdoch’s wife.
Does any of this sound conservative to you?
It does not — because Murdoch and his family line have become cosmopolitan neoliberal grifters. Their political opinions are quoted with approval by woke outlets like Vanity Fair — but that’s not exactly the GOP’s key demographic. Their executives in New York have pronouns (“them/their!”) in their bios. They place uniparty swamp creatures like Paul Ryan on the board of directors for Fox News — even though he’s now working part-time for the Clintons at Teneo! They hire famous male athletes dressed in drag, and then stick them on Sean Hannity’s show to queer up Fox News. They even celebrate chemically castrating children during “LBGT Pride Month.”
The Murdochs are playing a game of high-stakes chicken with their media empire’s audience.